29 Ekim 2024

29 Ekim 2024

As ABCOO Law Firm, we are proud to celebrate the 101st anniversary of our Republic!
The Republic is the guarantee of the rule of law and individual freedoms. We will continue to keep the legacy of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk alive and work for a brighter future.
Happy Republic Day!
Blog Resim

Independent and Perpetual Construction Right

The construction right among the limited real rights is regulated between Articles 726, 826 and the rest of Turkish Civil Code, granting holder the authority to construct or maintain a structure either above or below someone else's land and the ownership of that structure. If the construction right is independent and perpetual, it is recorded as "immovable" on a separate page in the land registry upon request of the right holder.

Blog Resim

Better Late Than Never: Cyber-Risk Oversight and Legal Liabilities of Board Members

Cybersecurity and data privacy indisputably plays a vital role for reputation and financial integrity of companies in today’s data driven and unpredictably ever-evolving world.
