20 Kasım 2024

20 Kasım 2024

İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Girişimcilik Kulübü öğrencilerini ofisimizde ağırlamaktan büyük mutluluk duyduk. Kıdemli Avukatlarımızdan Ayşe Uyanık, Avukat Aslıhan Dereköy ve Stajyer Avukatlarımız Ecenaz Çiftçi, Ali Taner ve Aytaç Bilgen; faaliyet alanlarımız, mülakat süreçlerimiz ve ofisimiz hakkında bilgiler aktararak meslektaş adaylarımızdan gelen soruları yanıtladılar. Ofisimizi ziyaret ederek bu etkinliği gerçekleştiren değerli öğrencilere teşekkür ederiz. Bir sonraki ofis ziyaretinde buluşmak dileğiyle!
Blog Resim

Inheritance Rights of Non-Turkish Citizens on Properties Located in Turkey

In cases where the legator and the inheritors are non-Turkish citizens, it is first necessary to determine which country's law shall be applicable for the transition of the inheritable properties located in Turkey (“Heritage”) to the inheritors. Within this framework, pursuant to Article 20 of the International Private and Civil Procedure Law numbered 5718, Turkish law shall apply for the transition of immovable properties and for the transition of movable properties, the national law of the deceased/legator shall apply.

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Regulations on the Leasing of Properties for Tourism Purposes

The procedures and principles regarding the leasing of residential properties for tourism purposes to real and legal persons are regulated under the Law on the Leasing of Properties for Tourism Purposes and Amendments to Certain Laws Numbered 7464 ("the Law") which was published in the Official Gazette on 2 November 2023. The Law has entered into force on 1 January 2024.
