Divorce Cases with Questions and Answers in Supreme Court Practice and Doctrine

Ayşe Uyanık

The book titled "Divorce Cases with Questions and Answers in Supreme Court Practice and Doctrine", co-authored by one of our senior lawyers, Ms. Ayşe Uyanık, has been published by Aristo Publishing House and we congratulate Ms. Ayşe for this work, which we believe will be useful for all our colleagues and other legal experts in terms of both doctrinal and practical questions, and we wish Dear Ayşe continued success.
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August 30th Happy Victory Day!

We are proud to celebrate August 30th, the symbol of the Turkish nation's struggle for independence. On this meaningful day, we will continue on our way in unity and solidarity, looking to the future with more hope. Happy Victory Day!

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Determination of the Acquisition Date for Gains from Appreciation

Pursuant to the Repeating Article 80 titled "Gains from Appreciation" of the Income Tax Law No. 193 ("Law"), it is regulated that the gains arising from the disposal of certain goods and rights specified in the Law are considered as gains from appreciation and these gains are taxable income.
